A big thanks to everyone who joined our first official AGM on Wednesday 4th February. It was great to see a mix of regulars and new faces, community groups and organisations represented.
We were grateful to Brenton Grear and Sheryn Pitman who joined us as guest speakers from Adelaide to tell us about their journey to achieving National Park City status in December 2021.
The AGM then included a Convener's and Treasurer's report summarising the work of the Glasgow National Park City over the last three years, as well as our plans for the year to come.
The key message and summary of the discussion is that we believe we have made fantastic progress in building the vision of the Glasgow National Park City and engagement and awareness through the work of volunteers and supporter organisations. Over the next year as we look to step up our progress to achieve National Park City status and engage as wide an audience as possible in a Greener, Healthier, Wilder Glasgow - we need to grow our capacity and resources with a mixture of recruiting more volunteers, attracting funding and working more closely with our supporters and ambassadors. So if you'd like to get involved in any capacity we are looking for web and social media gurus, policy geeks and events and engagement organisers! Please get in touch.
The full meeting was recorded and you can catch up now on You Tube. There are also draft minutes and the slides from the convener report available to download below. Please note the minutes will remain as draft until they are presented for approval at the next management committee meeting on 2nd March. If any attendees of the AGM note corrections required, please drop us a line.