It's been a busy few weeks for the Glasgow National Park City group. As well as distributing more of the fantastic new Urban Nature maps of Glasgow and running the latest WeeGreenScreen we've also signed up four new fantastic supporter organisations.
So a very warm welcome to The Children's Wood, G20 Youth Festival, Friends of Bishopriggs Park and Kabloom. The Glasgow National Park City is all about connecting a wide range of partners from businesses to schools, from community groups to charities. So we're really delighted to welcome these great organisations and look forward to working with them by amplifying their work, connecting them with others and working with them to identify new projects and opportunities.
Take a look at our supporters page to see the growing number of organisations working together for a greener, healthier, wilder Glasgow. If your organisation would like join us - please get in touch.
And why are these new supporters backing our vision for a Greener, Healthier, Wilder Glasgow - we'll let them tell you in their own words...

"The Children's Wood supports the vision for Glasgow becoming a National Park City. We think that this goal makes an important statement about the value of greenspace in the city. Making greenspace a priority will help groups across Glasgow to protect existing, and create new, wild spaces. This is an important plan if we are to tackle some of the most urgent issues facing our communities today such as loss of: greenspace, children playing outside, biodiversity and community. We believe that Glasgow being a National Park City will help both wildlife and people to thrive."

"Here at Kabloom we are focused on urban rewilding interventions and empowering people to engage and reconnect with nature. We believe Glasgow is perfectly suited to be considered a National Park City. Glasgow is already well on its way to becoming a Green and Circular Economy leader. This the Dear Green Place and if anyone can do it Glasgow can!"

"Pre Covid I have always been a regular frequenter of local parks with my dog. I've met lots of lovely people. As I also run the local litter picking group I have heard first hand, how much it means to people to have their dear, green place kept green!"

"The G20 Youth Festival supports the plan for Glasgow to become a National Park City. We believe that greenspace has the potential to heal and nurture. Being in nature de-stresses people, helps to regulate behaviour, brings people together and makes people happy and resilient. We believe that if we are to create safer, happier and healthier communities then nature needs to be at the heart and Glasgow being a National Park City will help with this."